Where did it all start?
Why did I begin my life to self-discovery with Kundalini Yoga?
We all have our own stressful life situations whether it be looking after a family with young children, teenagers or older children who have left the nest, looking after parents in their old age, health issues of self or others, terminal illness, single parent families, feeling alone with no family, transitioning into our later years and growing old.
This is just a short example but there are many other circumstances that we all have to cope with on a daily basis and that can be extremely stressful and can cause anxiety. All of that with work pressures on top with the constant media and worldly issues that are going on around us that we have no control over.
I began a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga and noticed that my life was changing for the better and felt differently and much more grounded. Practising precise prescriptive exercises and meditations every day, I journaled at the end of every day about my experiences.
After 40 days I noticed that I had created a new habit of not overthinking and my anxiety levels were reducing. My mind and body were connecting and not just overthinking every negative thought that would drive me crazy.
I had rewired my brain and was no longer overthinking everything or feeling those physical and emotional occurrences that happen when you get anxious.
Maintaining a daily practice, I continued and began to resolve all my symptoms of anxiety and no longer found it an issue. This can work for anybody that truly wants to make a shift in their energy to relieving the symptoms of anxiety.
Shifting our energy of anxiety to another transformative energy can really boost our self confidence into taking that giant leap forward and facing our fears.
" Everyday I am getting better and better and better"
Guru Singh